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New Guitars for 2019
These 2 very special guitars was created as a tribute to Michael Jackson's Black or White Album. The back and sides of these 2 guitars was constructed with Malaysian Blackwood and Figured Maple. The backup wood was a local wood I named it Golden Lacewood . Its medium light weight and have a beautiful scalely lace effect and easy to work with. The back and sides are random pieces joined together depicting the various life and cultures we came from. As the theme is Black or White I want to show the world it doesn't matter if we are from different races or colour we are all the same human being and all our blood are same red colour! Making a guitar with these unconventional methods already frown upon by many traditionalist I have proven again its not the materials that matters but the art and skill of crafting a beautiful sounding instrument. The Top is a Millennium Redwood which is easily more than a 1000 years old which I acquired from a fellow luthier friend in USA. Again this Redwood is not a favourite choice wood especially for the Top by many luthiers and I have used them effectively creating a unique sound. The Black or White MJ Model was exhibited at the recent Music China 2019 in Shanghai and both was sold on the first day of the Show itself.

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Jeffrey Yong MJ Model
JJ - The Golden Arowana
A new wood I named it as Golden Lacewood is a local wood named as mengpisang translated as banana wood becos of its colour. It has a great workability property and its medium light weight like mahogany. I have made this guitar using the same wood for the whole guitar body like what I usually do on my other guitars. It has a full balance sound .

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